Dr. Limmer, who holds a doctoral degree in dental medicine from Harvard University, a residency in prosthodontics, and a fellowship in implant surgery and bone grafting from the University of North Carolina, had been providing comprehensive dental care to our patients in Wheat Ridge, CO, location before retiring from our dental practice.
He had also served as the principal investigator for a prospective clinical trial of full-arch, implant-supported zirconia bridges in the treatment of complete edentulism. His extensive training in both the surgical and prosthetic aspects of reconstructive dentistry and his solid professional relationships with other dental specialists along the Front Range gives Dr. Limmer a unique perspective that enabled him to provide the highest level of care to our patients.
Dual Jaw Treatment of Edentulism Using Implant-Supported Monolithic Zirconia Fixed Prostheses. S. AlTarawneh, B. Limmer, G. Reside, L. Cooper. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2015 Jan 30. doi: 10.1111/jerd.12137.
Complications and Patient Centered Outcomes with an Implant Supported Monolithic Zirconia Fixed Dental Prosthesis – 1 year results B. Limmer, A. Sanders, G. Reside, L. Cooper. J Prosthodont. 2014 Jan 6. doi: 10.1111/jopr.12110.
The Cost-Effectiveness of Endosseous Oral Implant Therapy for Treating Mandibular Edentulism. L. Cooper, B. Limmer, D. Felton. Proceedings of the First P-I Brånemark Scientific Symposium, Gothenburg 2009
Edentulous options: Step-by-step SR Phonares NHC. Don Yancey, CDT; Lyndon F. Cooper, DDS, PhD; and Bryan M. Limmer, DMD. Dental Lab Products. April 2011 p30-32
Rules of Ten – Guidelines for Successful Planning and Treatment of Mandibular Edentulism Using Dental Implants. L. Cooper, W. Gates, B. Limmer. Compendium 2012; 33(5): 328-334